Our Story

Life hasn't been easy for us as highly sensitive individuals navigating the impacts of complex childhood wounds. Growing up, our homes were filled with love that was sincere but lacking in emotional transparency, compassionate communication, and repair after conflict.

It took us years to recognize the depth of our pain. Eventually, we realized that avoidance wasn't an option; we had to acknowledge our wounds and commit to the journey of healing.

Each design is inspired by our lived experiences and conversations we’ve shared with our community. We hope that each piece will speak to your experience as a human who is worthy of being seen and celebrated - always.

Our Mission

Through wearable affirmations, we aim to empower and celebrate your experience of healing, breaking cycles, and embracing your emotional sensitivity. We know that this journey can often feel isolating, leading to the urge to shrink and remain unseen. But we want you to know that you are worthy of acknowledgement. Consider this your invitation to boldly embrace your healing while claiming the space that is rightfully yours.

Embrace your healing journey